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Instructions on Searching: The Ask2000 web search offers you two ways to search for the agency or service you are looking for:

1. The first technique allows you to search for a keyword(s) in the categorical description, name or area of the agencies. By entering the word into the keyword field, any CATEGORY that contains the keyword(s) will result in the search. Then, to find a specific agency, select the category that best describes what you are looking for. Once you have selected a category, a list of agencies that meet that category will be returned. You then only need to select the specific agency to get more detailed information.

Search by Category Keyword Button

2. The second technique allows you to search for keywords contained in the NAMES, DESCRIPTIONS, and GEOGRAPHICAL AREA of the agencies. This technique can be more inclusive than the category search and will typically result in a larger number of agencies found. However, because it is more inclusive it is less precise, may result in a larger number of agencies than you hoped for, and will be slightly slower.

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